Sunday, February 22, 2009

Macbeth LRJ act 1

1. Macbeth: At first Macbeth is perceived as a brave and strong warrior because of the Captains descriptions of him, such as on page 7 lines 15-23. "But all's too weak;/ For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-/ Disdaining Fortune, with bloody execution,/ Like valor's minion carved out his passage/ Till he faced the slave,/ Which ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell to him/ Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops,/ And fixed his head upon our battlements." But once Macbeth meets the three witches he begins to doubt himself that he will become king. While the witches chant "All hail, Macbeth!" he begins to doubt himself and is fascinated by the witches. This shows that he is unconfident with himself and changes the perspective on Macbeth entirely for what it was from when the captain was describing him.

Lady Macbeth: Lady Macbeth appears to be ambitious, smart and ruthless. She appears to be even a bit insane with some of the things she says and does. She is much more vicious than her husband and seems to do everything before he does. When she is first seen, she is already plotting Duncan's murder. Lady Macbeth is very demanding and gives orders to people but when it comes down to something that's needed to be done she is the one who wants to do it, making her independent. This ambitious and independent roll is presented throughout the story such as in lines 71-73 on page 33. "Only look up clear./ to alter favor ever is to fear./ Leave all the rest to me."

Banquo: Banquo is also perceived as an ambitious character just as Macbeth and lady Macbeth. But when he is talking to the three witches about his future, instead of doubting himself he doubts the witches. He begins to question them because he doesn't believe what they're saying and there appearance. This is shown on page 15 lines 39-43, "How far is't called to Forres?- What are these,/ So withered and so wild in their attire,/ That look not like th'inhabitants o'th' earth/ And yet are on't?-Live you? Or are you aught/ That man may question?" He appears to have a little more common sense than Macbeth and seems to be a smarter character.

2. The theme of Macbeth appears to be ambitious acts that are mistakes. Macbeth only wants to grow more powerful but doesn't really know what to do to receive this power. He bases his entire conquest on the three witches foretelling. All of these characters in Macbeth have great determination to do what is needed to be done but sometimes do it the wrong way. It seems as if what the theme is saying is if you do something bad it will come back around. Better judgment always gets you what you want.

3. A striking image I remember is when the three witches were singing and dancing around the cauldron. I probably remember this image the best because I was acting it out in class, but still it was sticking because they were chanting and singing spells.

1 comment:

L. M. Peifer said...

Provide textual evidence for the image.