Friday, November 28, 2008

Letter to Antigone

My dear sister Antigone,

Please forgive me for not being loyal to the family. I just didn't want to be executed by Creon. Now after giving it much thought, I understand that you just wanted to bury Polyneices in a respectful manner. Even though he was against our own city he was still family, and now I see that I was wrong. I know that Creon will probably execute you, and now I believe it was worth it, to honor our family. I feel absolutely dreadful that I didn’t risk my own life and stand by your side. Instead I coward like a harmless little rabbit being chased by a giant pack of rabid wolves. Our brother should have a proper burial, yet now it is too late for me to fight for it. I was so full of myself that I didn’t even think about the others that were closest to me. Polyneices would have been very proud of you. I wish I could have stuck with you till the very end, but now, I see that it's too late for that. For now, we can only hope for the best, and pray to the gods for their support. Please forgive me for the terrible things I have done, and I am hoping that we'll be able to see each other once more. Till then i bid you farewell.

Love your dearest sister, Ismene.

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